Archive for the 'General' Category


About Me

I am new to WordPress so bear with me. One thing is for sure – I am way too Cool Man so live with it! Another thing, a great day to start a new blog, it is my birthday today!!! – first of September. Party time galore- eat lots, drink lots, be merry lots and …. yes ok .. this is a family blog so “behave yourself girl” time.

I like to write about travel in particular about vacation home abroad or as the British would say a holiday home. Do check my website HolidayHomeWeb and let me know what you think ! Thanks for being a sport.


Finance for Your Dream Home !

Yahoo UK has a good article on buying property abroad which highlights the pitfalls and the checks one should make. Similarly check ThisIsMoney .
There are several overseas property blogs around, TravelFinance is certainly worth perusing. Others include OverseasProperty.

Barclays Bank, a UK bank with branch offices in most countries, now provide finance for properties abroad. This particular site covers main EU countries such as Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. It also gves a brief overview of the legal issues and steps necessary to safeguard your property purchase. Others UK banks include RBS, HSBC and Abbey which is part of Bank Santander, Spain.
More info. will follow soon.


Multi-country Agents

There are property agents who only operate within their own country and these tend to be based locally. Here you will get more detailed help with specific area or the region of your choice. There are other agents who cover multiple countries – these agents or brokers tend be based in the prospective buyers country such as UK, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden etc. Such companies will be listed in this section and updated regularly. One such company is Property Frontiers.
Britain has a fair share of these in addition to country specific vendors.
Another company having covering the popular destinations, foreign currency assitance and help with mortgages for properties abroad is HolidayHome in UK – we are not connected with this company.
Barrasford and Bird , HolidayHomeNet .


Disclaimer–Please Read


The content contained in HolidayHomeWeb blog represents the opinions of the author and the contributors. This commentary in no way constitutes financial, investment, tax or any related forms of advice. It is one of many possible sources of information for readers. All information contained in this blog is believed to be accurate, but mistakes can and do happen. Be sure to consult a tax, legal, financial or investment professional before acting on any information that is contained in this blog.

Views and opinions expressed as of the date of publication are exclusively those of the individual authors and are subject to change based on market and other conditions. This publication is provided purely for informational purposes only and should not be used or construed as a recommendation for any property, real estate or holiday. Readers are responsible for conducting their own independent research before making a decision to invest in ant property profiled. It is strongly recommended that any purchase or sale decision be discussed with a financial advisor prior any such purchase or sale.

The author and the owner of this blog is not receiving any commissions or any favors from any parties mentioned in this blog. The decision to take any action rests entirely with the reader andthe author does not accept any responsibility for failure or success of their decisions.
It is a pre-condition of use of this blog that you have read, understood and accepted this Disclaimer before proceeding to read the rest of this blog.

Amen !


Break Up

Make sure you both have a nice vacation together (holiday) before you get here !


Travel News

Newspapers and in particular newspaper website are excellent sources.
For example USAToday Travel gives current travel news and USAToday by Country gives a fairly detailed data on each country eg. Italy. The maps are great too, try Italy.

Will add other newspaper sites in due course.

Guardian Unlimited , Financial Times, Times , Telegraph and TimeOut.


Buying Property Overseas

Some general advise on buying property overseas : Do research your chosen location seriously rather then just plunging on buying the property when you are on just a vacation. Legal issues can be quite complex. Take some legal advice and research this on the net. Ask people who have taken the steps before you. Finance can be another problem especially if you thinking of taking up a local mortgage or a local bank loan. Then there is the local council, national laws regarding foreign ownership of real estate etc. Best to go through a recommended real estate agent but his recommendation could be biased – seek your own legal adviser.

Some links here will help you to think further :

BBC Homes Abroad has a lots of information and checklists to guide you through buying property abroad. If there is one site you must must not skip it is this one. Well worth it – good section on Spain legal issues.

HomesGoFast has a quite a few checkpoints to consider. It would be useful to consult a trade organisation for some guidance and assistance. There is such an organisation AIPP – Association of International Property Professionals. It has members in various countries such as Spain, Portugal, Greece etc.


Concepta – An Introduction

The theme of this blog is “Vacation Property” meaning you are interested in having a dream holiday home in another country. Of course you are allowed to have a holiday home in your own country.

I am just collecting all the information and sharing with people here. If you come across any websites which meet our objective here then please let me know.

I will be covering France (Normandy and South of France), Spain, Dubai, Portugal, the Greek Islands, the Canaries, Malta, Caribbean and anything else I find worth adding here.

This blog will be updated regularly so please do keep checking for those gems which will help you have your home in paradise. I am NOT recommending any realtors, brokers, agents nor any properties. I am not receiving any commissions from anyone mentioned in this travel blog.
It is pre-requisite that you have read and accepted the Discliamer before using this website.
