Archive for February, 2007


Overseas Property – buy or rent

One cannot own a second home in every country – an alternative is to rent overseas property if you decide hotels are not for you. More people are choosing self-catering holidays then ever before – it gives you the frredom to do what you like when you like.

A good source to seek out holiday rentals is here. It covers many countries, all in one website. Quite handy really!


Poland – property development

Poland is now in the EU and therefore it is much easier to transact real estate / propert deals for rest of the European Community.

One such property company is here.


Welcome to Ibiza

Ibiza .. here I come ..

For detailed information on Spain start here.


Spirit of Spain

Latcho Drom Espania Flamenco 1

Feel the atmosphere of Spain .. get past the computer game to really appreciate this young man … he is something.

More Flamenco
And yet more Flamenco.
This one is definitely worth watching : Flamenco Entre Orillas de Sal
And Flamenco – La Tempestad
Seeking Spainish Property ? Try Ideal Spain
Also In Spain Info site.

More Property agents in the following post – see below.


Spain – warm & friendly

Spain is a very popular destination for vacation and home away from home.

We start with Wikipedia Spain – always a great introduction
WikiTravel has a whole section on Spain which then links to regional information.
The Spanish Tourist Office is also worth checking – in English and Spanish.
More at Explore. A site full of detailed information is OKSpain – especially for the traveller based in the USA.

for tourists and general. Travel would not be complete without Lonely Planet so check their website .. better still get the guide if you are planning to explore. A popular travel site with country specific tips, comments and feedback is Virtual Tourist.

Newspaper websites have travel section, one such site is Guardian Unlimited. Others mentioned elsewhere in this blog.

Plenty here on Spain worth checking out including travel, property and lots more.
Another site worth checking which covers more then Madrid is MadridMan.
SpainExpat for folks wishing to live in Spain this site is useful regards finance, tax, legal stuff etc.

It would be worth checking how you are getting to your accomodation once you have arrived at a Spanish airport. The following site will be useful so do check it out Spanish Airports.
For railway information try Eurail – in fact for train information operating within Europe.

Here are a few Property Agents/Developers who may be able to help seek that special
place in Spain .. we will add more in due course.
If you are thinking of a short stay in Spain and in return teach English and exchange other skills, knowledge etc. check out AISEC. Young people can have a summer study vacation with Abbey Road.

Spainish Properties

SpainDirect4u. They cover the area along the beautiful south east coast of Spain in the wonderful Costa Calida, Costa Blanca and delightful Costa Almeria.
Almeria Granada.

Other property companies worth checking out:

Parador Properties This company do properties in Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Turkey and Crete.
Spainish Property
Property Net Spain
Estate agents offering a range of inexpensive to luxury villas and apartments for sale around Valencia. Features advice on buying Spanish properties.

View Andalucia clip.
Explore City of Andalucia.
For Murcia region check Spain Assetz and Polaris World.


Waves at Piscinas beach

Piscinas is to be found in the south-west of Sardinia, an island in the Mediterranen.

Listen and feel the waves at Piscinas – it is so relaxing .. I can watch them all day long.


Bulgaria – An introduction

Bulgaria is an upcoming tourist destination and even a place to have a second home for retirement or just vacation. There are some video clips below – check them out when you have some time.

Start with Bulgaria Travel and more on life and background of Bulgaria .

Another great site is Welcome to Bulgaria. Here you will find useful info. such as getting here, history, culture and traditions, transport, sights, accomodation and tourist information.
Travel-Bulgaria will add more to your infobank not to forget VisitBulgaria. One cannot forget the travel guides such as LonelyPlanet, etc.

More sites follow :
Peakview Bulgaria
Discover Bulgaria

To read about views/tips and hints of people who have been there try VirtualTourist.
Read the messages on the the TripAdvisor forum and also post questions should have any. You will also find country specific info. there much like other travel sites. Best to start here though for the all the info. on Bulgaria.

One great travel blogsite to definitely view is RealTravel – you will find someone somewhere has visited the place you want to visit and have written about it – hints, tips and feedback.

Of course you can use Google to search for more specific info. – see the footer on this page.
If you find anything useful let me know and I will update this section.

One property company to consider is here.


Bulgaria – 1


Bulgaria – 2


Bulgaria – 3